Thanks for popping along to read this blog amongst all the turmoil this week In New Zealand. Firstly I must say my condolences go out to all of the people affected by the cyclone especially in the Hawkes Bay region. My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones, to the thousands of people left with devastation. All fingers crossed for a good period of dry weather to allow for the smoothest clean up possible.
In this weeks blog I dive into my ‘why’ and in particular why I chose Real Estate and what I hope to achieve out of it. Im wary that a lot of people right now are in the position of whether to take a leap into something that may be a bit scary and unknown, I’m hoping that my story and my reasons help you to make that leap.
Before I get into my ‘why’, I just wanted to give you a background of who I am – I’ve been in a sales role my whole career and love to build relationships with people. There is no better feeling in the world career wise than helping someone achieve their goals and feeling like you’ve made a lifelong friend along the way. This is why I believe Real Estate and I are the perfect match.
My ‘why’ stems from my fear of being tied to a place, this comes from a number of years working at a dealership where I felt tied down each day – I was there to work, which I loved, however I always sought the 24/7 be your own boss lifestyle. This wasn’t because I was lazy by any stretch of the imagination but i’ve always struggled with my attention span and when you are tied to one place for 9 hours I got itchy feet. I love the dynamic nature of this role now which allows me to be in as many different locations and environments during the day I desire.
MY MAIN WHY – simply put my main ‘why’ is to create financial and career freedom for myself and my family. What I mean by this is, I am ready to work hard to create a lifestyle which allows me to be somewhat flexible with my time and as a bi-product of working hard and having a long term mindset create financial freedom for myself and my family.
Underpinning this is my aspiration to build long term relationships with people who I meet throughout this journey, to operate a business where success and scale has no limit – this includes one day having my own team to work alongside to be the best agent I can possibly be.
Knowing my why I have found to be so important to motivate myself every day to keep striving. To have a guideline to why you’re doing it helps you zone in on your goals and really develop yourself towards achievement of those goals whether they be short term or long term.
If you are struggling with a big career related decision I recommend taking a quiet moment to sit down and work out your ‘why’. Ask yourself why you get out of bed each morning and what are you hoping to achieve in life? This in my experience will clear a path for you – If your ‘why’ lines up with taking this new leap – do it. Don’t look back, good luck.